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Our Team

Impact 100 NYC is a 100% volunteer-run organization, composed of curiosity-seekers, trail-blazers and change-makers from all five boroughs. We are fortunate to have a group of amazing women from all five boroughs to lead the efforts of our organization as members of the Board and Executive Committee.

We encourage every member to get involved in one -- or more! -- committees, by contributing expertise, pursuing areas of interest and taking on leadership roles. Each woman has a unique perspective and her own set of skills that bring value to the organization as well as qualities, such as curiosity, empathy and openness, critical to achieving transformational change in our city and its communities.

Board Members

Chair: Grants Team 

Lauren Goldstein

Founding Chair/ Advisory: Grants Team

Hope Buerkle

Member at Large  

Kisha Nunez

Chair: Founders Fellowship 

Autumn Figueroa

Co-Chairs: Membership Events

Lauren Albert

Alexandra Stewart

Samantha Mandor

Alyssa Rousso

Co-Chair: Member Communications

Andrea Bernard


Committee Chairs

Chair, Grant Review

Barbara Iannelli

Chair, Nonprofit Applicants

Mindy Propper

Chair, Nonprofit Outreach

Sue Lee

Lauren Weisenfeld

Co-Chairs: Grant Review Committees

Lisa Davis 

Gail Eilers

Cathy Glaser

Ellen Gursky

Judy Hahn

Mindy Levine

Sylvia Montan

Jessica Nymeyer

Sara Radelet

Florence Rosen

Hope Rothschild

Karen Handler Ryan

Laureen Schipsi

Gerilyn Smith

Jo Umans

Co-Chairs: Grant Finance Review

Kelly Balavender

Cyntra Trani

Co-Chair: Technology

Jennifer Daniels

Chair: Marketing/PR/Communications

Christine Cea

Co-Chair: Member Communications

Amy Davidson

Chair: nextgen

Evelyn Guzman

Impact 100 NYC, Inc. is incorporated in the state of New York and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible. Impact 100 NYC is registered with the New York State Attorney General’s Office to solicit charitable contributions and hold charitable assets in New York State.

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