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In just four years, Impact 100 NYC has granted $1,000,000 to sixteen NYC nonprofits!

2024 - YEAR FOUR: 346 members strong gave three Innovation 
Grants and two general operating grants

View the reel from our 2024 Big Give event: 

Big Give Video Highlights

Through volunteering with our nonprofit grant recipients, we lend a hand and see first-hand the need they face and the good they do! Impact 100 NY members have served as mentors, mock interviewers, career panelists, community service program builders, internship providers, garden weeders, bottle and can recyclers and so much more! Learn more here about how to support and volunteer!

Innovation Grants

City Living NY

Innovation Grantee awarded $105,000

Kings Against Violence Initiative

Innovation Grantee awarded $105,000

Nido de Esperanza 

Innovation Grantee awarded $105,000

Operating Grants

Each awarded Operating Grants of $15,500 

Impact 100 NYC, Inc. is incorporated in the state of New York and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible. Impact 100 NYC is registered with the New York State Attorney General’s Office to solicit charitable contributions and hold charitable assets in New York State.

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